Smart Rocket SIM stopped working on China Unicom

China Unicom VN007 5G CPE is a modem router that supports both 4G/ 5G wireless and wired connections. It is supposed to work in all networks, still, some unit has stopped working with Smart SIM after the free data promo expiration, even if it was subscribed to a new data promo. It's likely that the Smart network blocks the IMEI of the device. supposedly, druggies suggests that changing the IMEI of the modem would resolve the issue.

In this post, we will give you step-by-step instructions on how to change the IMEI of the China Unicom VN007 5G CPE modem router. therefore, changing it would allow data business again.

How to fix Smart SIM on China Unicom VN007 modem

To change the IMEI of the modem, we need to unleash the root access, downgrade its firmware to V1.10.10, and open ADB harborage. You'll need to download a lower interpretation of firmware and ADB tools.

Unlock root access

To unleash the root access, connect your PC to the modem, go to the dereliction IP address, http// also login using username admin wordadmin. However, open the Command Prompt terminal type ipconfig all, and see the dereliction gateway, If the dereliction IP address is inapproachable.

Enable the inventor mode of the cybersurfer by pressing the F12 or Fn F12 keys. Click the Console tab also typePage.level = 1 press enter key. Always repeat this process whenever you can not see the retired features of the modem.

From the Modem Dashboard, navigate to Management> System Settings> Change word. Elect the director stoner and also input the new word( for illustration 12345). You may now log in.

Downgrade firmware interpretation

To downgrade the firmware interpretation, download the firmware then

Login using root access, username super admin word 12345.

Navigate to operation> system upgrade click browse, and elect the old firmware interpretation1.10.10. Click the upload button and system upgrade. If your system firmware is more advanced than1.12.15, you need to downgrade to the coming lower interpretation one by one. It'll take many twinkles to upload and flash the firmware into the device.

Run Command Prompt as director, and change the directory where uprooted ADB tools is. Type the following commands one by one.

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